Sunday, May 10, 2020

Thoughts on the present times.

Thoughts on the present times.

There are too many variables, too many parameters operating at all levels, for us to have any clear picture of the road ahead; and by ‘us’ I mean proponents of a higher spiritual path for civilization in general.  Far from it simply being a case of both the best of times and the worst of times; we find ourselves in the position of, quite conceivably, being on the brink of either the best, or the worst, as measured along any number of dimensions.  It would take days to enumerate all of the factors, the ‘known unknowns’; and I greatly fear the unknown unknowns outweigh the knowns w.r.t. this virus, and many other things besides.

When one cannot resolve the practical questions at hand, it may be no dishonor to turn the focus to the larger picture.  Keeping ever in mind that ends and means are entangled, as Koestler says:  what should be our ends?  What are the hallmarks of a rational ethics, a polis that makes central the rights and well-being of the individual, a civilization that must come to terms with the existence and heritage of a geological history and extant biosphere?  Is it too self-deceiving to hope that, by gently trying to turn discussion to these matters, we may gain some clarity with regard to our immediate position?


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